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ID: 2365
Debenhams UK
Report Return Period 3小时~10小时
Latest Effective Data 157天
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Debenhams is a leading international multi-channel brand with a proud British heritage which trades out of more than 240 stores across 27 countries.  Debenhams gives its customers around the world a unique differentiated and exclusive mix of own brands international brands and concessions.

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recent announcements (last 6 months)

Date announcement type Title
2021-09-22 【商家促销】 【Debenhams UK】鞋包限时75折
2021-08-23 【商家促销】 【Debenhams UK】童装大促 8折!
2021-08-06 【商家促销】 【Debenhams UK】夏季大促 低至3折!
2021-07-23 【商家促销】 【Debenhams UK】低至5折!
2021-07-05 【商家促销】 【Debenhams UK】低至5折!